Hace TIEMPO que no escribo nada en este BLOG... es que la vida es un solo correr y a veces ni tiempo nos da para contar. Con Lina (Santos - compinche/corista de XUMAPAZ y líder del grupo de Rock Andino LINUS) decidimos asumir nuestra condición de CANTAUTORAS y sacar a lucir los temas que a veces no caben dentro de una tanda XUMAPAZ o LINUS, armando VICHES. Ganamos las convocatorias de Biblored y estamos de gira por las Bibliotecas Públicas de Bogotá este mes. Amo ese público, ese espacio donde cabe también el diálogo con el público y realmente se escucha lo que cantamos.
Los invitamos entonces este domingo 17 de junio a acompañar a VICHES (apoyados muy elegantemente por Luis Pacheco, Alex Vargas y Alexei Restrepo) a las 3 pm en la BIBLIOTECA TUNAL.Abrazo pa' todos!
It's been too long since I wrote in this BLOG... but sometimes Life just runs away with you and there's no time to write as long as you're living it. Lina and I (Lina Santos - vocalist with XUMAPAZ and leader of the Andean Rock band LINUS) love to sing together. And we have a bunch of songs (GRRRRRRRRRRRLY SONGS) that don't always fit into a Xumapaz or a Linus set so we decided to embrace our condition as SINGERSONGWRITERS and put together a couple of sets of material and take it on the road as VICHES - singer/songwriter heaven for us grrrrls. And lo and behold we won the Biblored Tour this year and will be playing all the Public Libraries in Bogotá during the month of June. Come join us this Sunday, June 17 at 3 pm in the Biblioteca del Tunal. VICHES is backed up by the lovely and talented Alex Vargas (bass), Luis Pacheco (percussion) and Alexei Restrepo (guitar). I love these gigs, where you get a chance to talk to your audience and share stories and experiences.