Van 2 semanas ya en nuestra temporada de teatro. Ha sido un verdadero placer volver a "caminar por las tablas" y hacer un trabajo concentrado con mis compañeros del alma -- Edgardo Bossio (que ha ganado el nuevo apodo del "Reverendo Órgano), Luís Pacheco y Javier Pérez, y con Federico Viviescas que ha sido nuestro aliado en la lucha por un buen sonido. (Este tema es siempre delicado y ha sido maravilloso poder contar con alguien que tiene el conocimiento adecuado y una voluntad impecable) Van saliendo temas bonitos, nuevas inquietudes y una camaradería muy linda. Queremos seguir tocando en teatros; es el ambiente perfecto para este proyecto! ¡Los esperamos esta semana!
We're going into our third week at the National Theater's "Casa del Teatro" - closing for the "Patty Diphusa" monologue by the extremely talented actress, Ximena Erazo. This women is alone on stage for over an hour and has the audience eating from her hand the whole time. It's been a real pleasure for me to once again "trod the boards" and have a chance to perform a focused set of material with my buddies Edgardo Bossio (now officially dubbed "the Reverend Organ" based on his stunning improvisations on this instrument during the set), Luis Pacheco (percussion demi-god) and Javier Pérez (solid, smooth and sultry vocal work), not to mention having a real sound engineer at our disposal (Federico Viviescas has been our ally and its a relief to be able to count on someone else to take care of all those problems). We're coming up with new material, thinking of new ways to get even better and learning to know each other on stage and off. We love playing in theaters - it is truly the place for this combo. See you in the next couple weeks!